
Bozo the Clown Doll

I have been searching for years to gather information on this doll that was handed down to me by my mother.  The doll is old and I believe was one of the first Bozo the Clown dolls made.  Unlike some of the other dolls I have found on the web with a vinyl head, this doll is ALL cloth.  I believe it may have been manufactured in the 1940's.  As shown below in the photo, the doll was manufactured by Revelco, Inc. under exclusive license of Capitol Records, Inc.  If you have information on this doll, please contact me at  Thank you!
Photo of rare Bozo the Clown cloth doll
  Photo of rare Bozo the Clown cloth doll - tag on color piece Photo of rare Bozo the Clown cloth doll - head shot
  April 9, 2005