Package A |
One Page Design |
$ |
You provide the graphics, logos, and
content. You find your own web host. Basically, once the
web page is designed and I am paid, I bid you farewell. |
Additional charge for graphics and/or maps. |
Package B |
Multiple Page
Design |
Same as
above, only with as many pages as you desire. |
$75.00-all other pages.
Additional charge for graphics and/or
maps. |
Package C |
Design & Maintain
Site |
I will
design and maintain your site with the content you provide.
This assumes you already have a web site to put the web pages
on. I will need access to your web host to download and
update your pages. How often you want your pages
maintained (once a week, month, annually) is up to you and will
be outlined in the contract. |
Price of
a package above +
the number of times per
year you want an update.
Additional charge for graphics and/or
maps. |
Package D |
Complete |
I will
design, maintain, get you hosted, and help you pick out your
domain name.
All you have to do is tell me what you want and I do the rest.
There are a variety of ways to set up services. I will present
you with these different options. Prices and payment
options will also vary. We will discuss this in detail,
because... after is your money. |
Price of
a package above +
number of updates +
domain and hosting options you choose.
Additional charge for graphics and/or
maps. |
Please note: The price of each job
is usually unique.
The prices given above are not "set in stone".
I may be willing to negotiate.
Contact me.